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Version: 1.0.x

using redux state

import React from 'react'
import useReduxState from 'use-redux-states'
const App = () => {
path: 'todos',
state: [1,2,3],
// creates state in the store with key = todos and value = [1,2,3]

controlling how initial state should be set#

When you use the redux-state-hook with a default state, under the hood it sets the initial state in the store with the given path.
redux-state-hook has an intelligent setter function which determines how your state will be set based on the payload (referring the initial state as the payload). When array is passed as the payload setter assumes you will append the payload with the current state array.
Given the example below the initial todos state has [1,2] value, setter will push to the existing array state if the payload is array otherwise will replace the state.

import React from 'react'
import useReduxState from 'use-redux-states'
const App = () => {
// existing todos state = [1,2]
path: 'todos',
state: [3],
// later todos state = [1,2,3]

Same logic applies to json object but primitive payload value replaces the existing state.
You can handle the setter behaviour by passing a reducer function.

import React from 'react'
import useReduxState from 'use-redux-states'
const App = () => {
// existing todos state = [1,2]
path: 'todos',
state: [3],
reducer: (existingState, payload) => existingState ? [...payload, ...existingState] : payload
// custom setter function prepends to the existing state
// later todos state = [3,1,2]