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Version: 1.1.x



use-redux-states allows you to create redux states at runtime for your react components without creating static actions and reducers. It was also designed to stop react's components unnecessary re-render by using useMemoSelector api and to improve your app's performance.

Problems solved#

handles unnecessary selectors re-rendering#

use-redux-states makes sure selectors doesn't re-render component when state has no changes.

reduces redux code boilerplate#

Say bye to redux action/reducers boilerplates!
with redux, before you create states you have to at least define the store in advance in a similar way to example below.


// reducer.js
const INIT_STATE = {
state1: 'one',
state2: 'two',
const reducer = (state = INIT_STATE, {type, payload}) => {
switch (type) {
case 'addState1':
return {...state, state1: 'ones'}
case 'addState2':
return {...state, state2: 'twos'}
return state;
export default reducer;

Sometimes you would need to move your small react components states to redux store, so for every components state you would have to define them in advance.
This can be redundant and unnecessary.
But use-redux-states found a way to create redux state much easier and dynamically without writing redundant codes.
use-redux-states can make you have similar states above with few lines of codes.

const Component = () => {
const {setState, getState} = useReduxState({
path: 'component_state',
state: {
state1: 'one',
state2: 'two',
useEffect(() => {
console.log(getState()) // {state1: 'one', state2: 'two'}
state1: 'ones',
state2: 'twos',
console.log(getState()) // {state1: 'ones', state2: 'twos'}
}, [])